Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Beginning ( well sort of )

This is Clay checking in on the FAM Blog....I think its a great idea, in part because alot of people really hate on the relationship that the 5 of us have together......Its quite often that I hear "man i wish i had friends like this in high school, that i still keep up with" So lets go back to say.....1998

So the ground work of the Fam had been built over many years ago...John and myself went to kindergarten together, stuck, omar and justin had all known each other forever ( im sure they will chime in with the exact dates like they normally do) Myself, john, omar and stuck came to CSAS in third grade and justin joined us in 8th i think.

Back then everyone knew everyone at CSAS so we were all friends, me, david and omar played middle school basketball together, and we use to get drilled all the time...jonathan hise the other token white guy on the basketball team shot the ball OVER the backboard against City middle and I still remember getting hit in the face with the ball in that game, and of course i was rocking the glasses back

But in 1998 something special really took place by mistake? Possibly? Maybe not though...I remember sitting in Mrs. Monroes office which was right by the stairwell on the third floor right across from Ms. Phelps room. It was me, david, justin, omar and john as well as kevin....We were all sitting in there because we didnt have anywhere todo community service at...Well I had a car so i think they all looked at me as the way out lol.....So it began, all of use piled into the 4Runner ( such a bad ass SUV, drop the back window on them and all ) and we headed to the Henry Branch YMCA, until we got kicked out of there and sent to the downtown YMCA.....I remember cleaning off the windows up in their main offices and it was the worst thing ive been apart of until me and stuck worked at the marina together ( more on that in a later blog ), then the next semester we went to work at Memorial Hospital......

During these times we laughed, got mad at each other and learned about each other....I was turned onto Biggie, Outkast, Goodie Mobb and i turned them onto classics like Stairway to Heaven and FreeBird lol

There are so many stories from that year, and hopefully everyone will contribute to this blog so I can have a place to come and laugh....This is just a start, more will come...It truely is a special friendship that we all have............

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